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  3. Cactus with three pears

Cactus with three pears

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SKU: JW003 Width: 29cm Height: 27.5cm Framed

Collage on paper

About Jan Woodhouse

An avid photographer, originally living in Kent, Jan Woodhouse eventually found herself enrolling onto an MA degree course in Graphic Fine Arts at Canterbury and had several exhibitions of her photographic work.  But after moving to North Norfolk in 2004, her interest turned to paint, and eventually collage.  Jan describes herself as having "...always been a collector of pretty much anything:  postcards, stamps, old family photos, old glass bottles, and a pile of various papers, such as collagraphs, newspaper, wrapping paper, letters and diary pages, all of which I incorporate into my collage."  The inspiration for her charming still life pieces comes from all around her, everyday objects, ceramics and plants in her home and garden.

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