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  2. There was Nowhere to go but Everywhere

There was Nowhere to go but Everywhere

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SKU: TL007 Width: 42cm Height: 53cm

Watercolour and Gouache on Paper, framed

About Tara Lucy

Tara Lucy is a Norwich based artist who specialises in ink drawings and mixed media paintings. She also experiments with various print making techniques. 

Tara’s work mainly focuses on the natural world and her inspiration comes from everything that lives and breathes. She likes to immerse herself in her subject matter by learning about the history, habitats, and complexities of her subjects. 

Tara Lucy has a BA in Fine Art and an MA in Arts Practice. During her studies she created short comics and explored techniques of visual storytelling. Her work has been published in publications including Sliced Quarterly and Chanced Arm.

She creates her pieces with her mischievous spaniel Rosie by her side.

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